Agrarian Bulletin of the Urals

The journal has been published since 2000

ISSN 1997 - 4868 (Print); ISSN 2307-0005 (Online)


Comparative analysis of the use of udder treatment agents in the prevention of mastitis and improving the quality of milk in cows


G. A. Larionov,

E. S. Yatrusheva,

O. Yu. Checheneshkina

Chuvash State Agrarian University, Cheboksary, Russia *E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Abstract. The aim of this study is to study the effectiveness of the use of various means for treating the udder of cows in order to prevent the incidence of mastitis and improve the quality of milk. Since in order to prevent the development of mastitis for a long time, it is necessary not only to destroy the disease itself and fight its symptoms, but also to take all kinds of measures to prevent the disease. Methods. To conduct a scientific and economic experiment, 4 groups were formed, of which 3 are experimental and 1 control, according to the method of pairs-analogs using a tethered method of keeping in stalls in all four groups. To treat the udder, agents based on iodine, chlorhexidine, chlorhexidine digluconate and probiotic bacteria were used. Results. The summer use of Priolit Vortex and Algavit Vortex in 1 experimental group showed a decrease in the number of mesophilic aerobic facultative anaerobic microorganisms in cow's milk from 200,000 to 97,000 CFU/cm3 , which is 48.5 % less than at the beginning of the experiment. Treatment with disinfectants Priolit Vortex and Elovit Vortex in the 2nd experimental group made it possible to reduce the number of mesophilic aerobic facultative anaerobic microorganisms by 68.4 %. The use of probiotic agents Skin Cleaner and PIP Сow Тeat Сleaner for treating the udder of cows allowed to reduce the number of mesophilic aerobic facultative anaerobic microorganisms in the milk of cows in experimental group 3 from 180,000 to 110,000 CFU / in 1 cm3 , which is 61.1 % less than the initial indicators. somatic cells in the milk of cows of the 1st experimental group decreased from 750,000 to 120,000 in 1 cm3 , in the 2nd experimental group the number of somatic cells decreased from 250,000 to 180,000 in 1 cm3 , in the 3rd experimental group from 390,000 to 340,000 in 1 cm3 . In the control group, an increase in the number of somatic cells was found by 84 %.

Keywords: cow, milk, quality, mammary gland, mastitis, number of mesophilic aerobic facultative anaerobic microorganisms, number of somatic cells, prevention of mastitis, udder treatment products, iodine, chlorhexidine, probiotic bacteria, chlorhexidinedigluconate, cow udder hygiene, sanitization.

For citation: Larionov G. A., Yatrusheva E. S., Checheneshkina O. Yu. Sravnitel’nyy analiz primeneniya sredstv dlya obrabotki vymeni v profilaktike mastitov i povyshenii kachestva moloka korov [Comparative analysis of the use of udder treatment agents in the prevention of mastitis and improving the quality of milk in cows] // Agrarian Bulletin of the Urals. 2021. No. 07 (210). Pp. 66–74. DOI: 10.32417/1997-4868-2021-210-07-66-74.

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