Agrarian Bulletin of the Urals

The journal has been published since 2000

ISSN 1997 - 4868 (Print); ISSN 2307-0005 (Online)


Assessment of heavy metals concentration Fe, Zn, Cd, and Pb in natural water sources

Authors: Kh. E. FLEFEL, postgraduate student, M. O. GUTOVA, postgraduate student, I. M. DONNIK, doctor of biological sciences, professor, academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Ural State Agrarian University (42 K. Liebknekhta Str., 620075, Ekaterinburg), Yu. G. GRIBOVSKIY, doctor of veterinary sciences, leading researcher, Ural Federal Agricultural Research Center of the Ural branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (18а Sverdlovskiy Trakt, 454036, Chelyabinsk)

Keywords: heavy metals, physico-chemical indicators, natural water sources, water pollution.

Abstract: The present study aimed to assess the pollution of surface freshwater flowing bodies of water in Yekaterinburg and the Sverdlovsk region with heavy metals: Fe, Zn, Cd, and Pb. In the article result of research, the concentration of heavy metals Cd, Fe, Zn and Pb in natural water sources of Sverdlovsk area are presented. The contents of metals (iron, cadmium, lead, zinc) in sampling points were determined, the concentration of which in some cases exceeded maximum allowable concentra- tion. Along with that, an appreciable decrease of the contents of a series of heavy metals during research was installed. As well analysis of a series of physical and chemical ratings was carried out: рН, mineralization, common rigidity. all pH values were in the alkaline direction and had noticeable differences between the various sites with the lowest value (6.8) recorded by the Iset River and the highest (8.00 and 7.99) by the Ufa River and the Tura River, respectively. Total of dissolved solids substances in selected water accounted for from 161 to 839 mg / cm3. The highest mineralization is noted in R. Pozarishke and can be connected both with a natural type of water and with a hit of organic substances and firm wastes to the river. The concentration of lead in the water of surface water bodies is characterized by a content of from tenths to a few micrograms per liter. The concentrations of lead in natural waters elevated above background values are due to anthropogenic load. A significant contribution to the pollution of environmental objects with lead compounds.

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