Agrarian Bulletin of the Urals

The journal has been published since 2000

ISSN 1997 - 4868 (Print); ISSN 2307-0005 (Online)


Analysis of breeding genetic characteristics in cows of different age


Z. S. SANOVA, candidate of agricultural sciences,

O. V. GORELIK, doctor of agricultural Sciences, professor,

N. А. FEDOSEEVA, candidate of agricultural Sciences, associate professor, 

N. N. NOVIKOVA, doctor of biological sciences, professor,

E. A. TINAEVA, doctor of biological sciences, professor, 

Kaluga Research Institute of Agriculture (2 Central Str., 249142, Kaluga region, Peremyshlsky district, rural settlement Kaluzhskaya experimental agricultural station),

Ural State Agrarian University (42 K. Liebknechta Str., 620075, Ekaterinburg),

Russian State Agrarian Correspondence University (50 highway Enthusiastov, 143907, Moscow region, Balashikha), 

Moscow State Academy of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnology (23 Akademika Skryabina, 109472, Moscow).

Abstract. One of the most important factors determining the increase in milk production and improving the efficiency of dairy cattle breeding in the country is the acceleration of the pace of improvement of herds. A special place in solving this important problem is given to the Holstein breed. The article presents the analysis of the inheritance of the basic features that character- ize milk production, namely the milk yield for 305 days of lactation, variability and heritability of the main selection charac- teristics, the dependence of the milk yield of the daughters of heifers on the productivity of mothers, correlative connection between characteristics of breeding. The material of the research was highly productive Holstein cows in the leading breeding reproducer of the Kaluga region. As a result of the research, the authors noted that the high genetic potential of animals in the herd there is no consolidation of animals in terms of milk yield. The following results of realization of productivity potential of these cows were established: 93 heads (or 83,0 %) in the second lactation increased milk yield in comparison with the first lactation by 400 kg and more of milk; 32 heads (or 42,7 %) in the third lactation reduced milk yield in comparison with the 2nd lactation; only 1 cow, or 1.3 % consistently reduced its yield from lactation to lactation. Thus, from 40 % to 53 % of cows with the 3rd last finished lactation not only did not realize their potential in the subsequent lactation, but did not even reach the previous lactation. Animals are not provided with optimal conditions for the realization of the genetic potential of productivity. The main reasons are the lack of selection or culling of animals in terms of milk yield, unbalanced feeding and poor conditions of animal welfare.

Keywords: breed, milk production, last complete lactation.

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