S. A. USTINOVA, postgraduate student,
A. I. LATYSHEVA, candidate of economical sciences, associate professor,
Perm State Agro-Technological University named after academician D. N. Pryanishnikov (23 Petropavlovskaya str., 614990, Perm; e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).
Abstract. At the present stage of society’s development, when digital technologies change the architecture of markets, the formulation of fundamentally new tasks of regional development necessitated a deeper scientific substantiation of cluster systems and the definition of priorities in the structural restructuring of their implementation. «Digital economy is not a separate sector, in fact, it is the basis that allows you to create qualitatively new models of business, trade, logistics, production, changes the format of education, health, public administration, communication between people, and therefore sets a new paradigm for the development of the state, the economy and society as a whole». The country’s leadership identifies strategic directions in which the limited resources available can be concentrated on the most critical areas, the dispersion of material and financial resources can be prevented and their use flexible at the same time. The cluster approach, which is effective in creating a competitive environment, is promising today. The cluster form leads to the creation of special characteristics – the aggregate innovation product. In the digital economy, this is the best way to sustainable development of rural areas. The article deals with the organizational and economic aspect of regional cluster formations, which are formed due to digital technologies. The study of theoretical approaches to the definition of their essence, including the development of elements of the conceptual apparatus and principles of management. The main interpretations and characteristics of clusters formulated by foreign and domestic scientists are presented. The author's definition of digital grain cluster is given. The analysis of cluster processes shows that the regions have accumulated a lot of historical experience in the field of innovative grain production facilities, there are objective prerequisites for the emergence of a grain industry cluster on a qualitatively new basis. Electronic and digital technologies act as a catalyst for the development of innovative agricultural projects, the development of interconnected industrial complexes, the creation of agrotechnopark. The role of regional public authorities in the formation and development of innovation clusters is shown. The developed theoretical provisions can be used in the work of state and regional administrative institutions, ministries of agriculture and regional development.
Keywords: modernization of regional economy, innovative rural territories, grain-industrial cluster, digital agriculture, organizational and economic aspect.