I. P. CHUPINA, professor,
N. B. FATEEVA, senior lecturer,
Ural State Agrarian University (42 K. Libknehta Str., 620075, Ekaterinburg).
Abstract. Having some experience in the region, the us, on the basis of the Resource center of vocational education Sverdlovsk region agricultural and forestry profile, was a planned work on a scientific-theoretical justification and practical testing of a possible approach to change the format of education in the development of the village, who was elected to our colleagues from line ministries: the detail and extension of existing powers against the background of unconditional interest in the implementation of the plans. Implemented in the research process historical and pedagogical analysis of the development of rural schools shows that only a socially-oriented activities of rural schools as the educational level of the rural settlement may create real preconditions for the implementation of village of the entire spectrum of socio-economic, socio-cultural and socio-pedagogical functions. Being a dynamic educational structure of rural settlement, rural school initially offers significant resources to address critical problems in the rural society, thereby ensuring sustainable development of agriculture, rural social sphere and rural territories. A detailed study of existing models of educational institutions that provide training for workers of regional agriculture, indicates the feasibility of the processes of restructuring educational institutions. However, in our view, the positive effect of this restructuring, allowing considerably to expand a list of educational possibilities of a reformed educational institutions, could be even more productive with a significant extension of their functions and powers outside the educational system. The main objective of our study at this stage was to find answer to the question about what contribution to solving these issues and can and should make education system. In this sense, we had an interesting experience of the development of regional and municipal educational systems of the Tomsk region, which clearly demonstrated that the qualitative renewal of educational process in rural school can provide a higher quality of education. Set a goal and forming a territorial network of educational institutions in the regional system of education, the regional administration has created the conditions to increase the availability and quality of education due to the good interaction between educational institutions of various types that implement a variety of educational programs.
Keywords: individual programs, quality of education, municipal educational system, education, educational programs, educational institutions, vocational education, regional education, rural areas, rural school.