Agrarian Bulletin of the Urals

The journal has been published since 2000

ISSN 1997 - 4868 (Print); ISSN 2307-0005 (Online)


Status and trends of development of the cooperative movement in the agricultural sector


Yu. N. CHUPIN, graduate student,

Ural State Agrarian University (42 K. Liebknechta Str., 620075, Ekaterinburg)

Abstract. Russia implemented the system of associative agricultural cooperative units of various kinds, which must include local (district), regional and federal level. In these conditions requires mechanisms governing conformity of production potential to market requirements. The implementation of deep reforms in rural areas presupposes the existence of economic models to answer the key questions: what should be the agricultural sector, as to achieve a balance in development of agriculture and industry that is necessary for the development of rural societies. Given the diversity of economic and natural conditions of Russia, it is advisable to make the transition to a mixed and a mixed form of management. Under a mixed economy should be to understand such organizational-economic structure of agricultural production, which is based on a rational combination of various forms of ownership and management. Mixed economy in the countryside includes the freedom to choose manufacturers activity: collective enterprises, state, private and cooperative. In our conditions, large farms with complete freedom, financial and material support are the main, if not the only, real source of supply of the country with food and raw materials. An important component in the mixed structure should take co-operation, which has now become of paramount importance for the many thousands of farms as a reliable way out of the difficult economic situation. The implementation of these measures will significantly raise awareness of the rural population, including for legal affairs, to prepare the methodological basis for the development of the task force and constantly improve the level of qualification of its members, to create conditions for continuous exchange of best practices.

Keywords: agrarian sector, state regulation, cooperation, entrepreneurship, production potential, market mechanisms, agriculture, economic cooperation.

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