Agrarian Bulletin of the Urals

The journal has been published since 2000

ISSN 1997 - 4868 (Print); ISSN 2307-0005 (Online)


The influence of triticale on the quality of milk during production of cheese


V. D. GAFNER, postgraduate student,

O. V. GORELIK, Doctor of agricultural sciences, professor

Ural State Agrarian university (42 K. Liebknechta Str., 620075, Ekaterinburg)

Abstract. In the manufacture of certain dairy products to milk must meet certain requirements not only from the point of view of indicators of quality – hygiene and safety, but also properties, allowing us to process it into dairy products, curd, cheese, butter, etc. Triticale is used to produce green mass and fodder grain, and is used when feeding the animals. Growing global interest in hybrid cereals is caused by its great features. Triticale has good yield potential, high frost resistance, resistance against viral and fungal diseases, and low requirements to soil fertility. This culture is perfectly resistant to drought or frost. The basic amount of triticale is consumed as the main component of animal feed. The article studies the effects of the introduction in the diet of dairy cows triticale on composition and technological properties of milk. The use of triticale in feeding of dairy cows in period of milking has a positive effect on the physico-chemical characteristics of milk. We observed increase in the content of dry matter in milk and its components. Skimmed milk of the cows of the second and third experimental groups has higher technological properties associated with the production of dairy products with high protein content such as cheese. In the preparation of curd from skim milk from cows of these groups received more cottage cheese by 2.61 and 1.79 kg, or 16.4 % and 11.2 %, respectively in groups at a sufficiently high rate of utilization of milk protein.

Keywords: dairy cows, milk, milk composition, technological properties, cheese.

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