N. N. ZABASHTA, doctor of agricultural sciences, leading researcher,
E. N. GOLOVKO, doctor of biological sciences, leading researcher,
North-Caucasian research institute of Animal Husbandry (4 Pervomaiskaya Str., 350055, v. Znamenskiy)
I. M. DONNIK, doctor of biological sciences, professor, academician of RAS, rector,
Ural State Agrarian University (42 K. Liebknechta Str., 620075, Ekaterinburg)
A. G. KOSHCHAEV, doctor of biological sciences, professor,
Kuban State Agrarian University named after i. T. Trubilin (13 Kalinina Str., 350044, Krasnodar)
Abstract. Recommended fattening animals fattened for meat, grazing. The sheep in the flock is formed by gender, age and weight and provide them with good pasture, mineral fertilizer and watering. The requirements include the maximum allowable amount, estimated allowable amount, maximum permissible levels environmental objects, norms of feeding calves and exemplary rations for animals of different ages. The requirements developed on the results of monitoring objects of raw zones canning factory of baby food “Tikhoretsk”, joint-stock company “DANONE of RUSSIA”, including meat raw materials, in compliance with inter-state norms and standards requirements for growing and fattening of sheep for mutton production for baby food the following system of detention of the rams and of the sheep: stall-pasture and pasture-stall and pasture. Recommended feeding animals fed for meat grazing. Sheep form the flock according to sex, age and weight and provide them with good pasture, mineral fertilizing and watering. The need for pastures for foraging is determined based on their yields. Approximate nutritional value of pasture grasses for possible adoption of the following: in 1 kg of feed contains 0.2 feed unit and 11.0 g digestible protein. The requirements included tentatively permissible levels in soils, the maximum allowable number in the feed of anthropogenic and natural toxic substances, organisms and environmental objects, the norms of feeding of young growth of sheep and sample rations for different ages of animals. Compliance by the suppliers of mutton to the technology of growing and fattening young sheep will ensure the production of organic lamb for the formulation of infant foods that meet quality and safety international standards.
Keywords: young sheep, rams, meat, typical process, technical requirements, baby food.