Agrarian Bulletin of the Urals

The journal has been published since 2000

ISSN 1997 - 4868 (Print); ISSN 2307-0005 (Online)




A. V. ABRAMCHUK, candidate of biological sciences, assistant professor,

M. Yu. KARPUKHIN, candidate of agricultural sciences, assistant professor, dean,

URAL STATE AGRARIAN UNIVERSITY (42 K. Liebknechta Str., 620075, Ekaterinburg)

Abstract.  The Lophantus anisic wins popularity as an medicinal, spicy and ornamental plant in recent years. The elevated mass of lophantus contains essential oil (more than 0.5 %) which gives to a plant mint and anisic aroma. There are cultivars with prevalence of fruit and mint aroma. The Lophantus anisic finds wide use in medical practice: regulates metabolism, reduces and normalizes arterial pressure, purifies blood, removes heavy metals from the body which is very important for such large industrial centers as Ekaterinburg, and also for regions with an adverse radiation situation. It is considered a strong immunostimulator, similar to a ginseng. Extracts have antineoplastic activity. In the Tibetan medicine an elevated part of a plant is applied inside and outwardly in case of paralyzes, gastritis, hepatitis and also as the means of preventing aging. Application of lophantus in cosmetics promotes elimination of wrinkles, keeps turgor and youth of skin, strengthens growth of hair. One of research problems was a study of the influence of the feeding area on forming of elevated biomass of lophantus anisic. The scheme of experience included 3 options which differed in the feeding area: 1st option – 25 × 30 cm (it is taken for control); 2nd option – 25 × 45 cm; 3rd option – 25 × 60 cm. It is established that the lowest characteristics belonged to the plants in the first option where the feeding area constituted 25 × 30 cm. Such indicators as height of plants, accumulating of elevated biomass, mass of leaves and inflorescences were much lower there than in other options. The conducted research allowed to reveal optimum density of landing – 8 plants on 1 m2 when the feeding area (25 × 45 cm) was sufficient for maximum productivity, with high content in structure of leaf and inflorescences yield.

Keywords: lophantus anise, essential oils, elements of technology of cultivation, supply area, aboveground biomass, yield.

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