Agrarian Bulletin of the Urals

The journal has been published since 2000

ISSN 1997 - 4868 (Print); ISSN 2307-0005 (Online)


№ 10 (177) 2018


The contents and annotations

the article


Korneeva E. A.

Expenses on forest melioration of degradirovanny lands of the Volgograd region


Rengarten G. A.

Primary stages of an introduction of sortoobrazts of a bird cherry in soil climatic conditions of the Kirov region


Tormozin M. A., Nagibin A. E., Zyryantseva A. A.

Valuable on a number of grounds samples of red clover in the Urals


Chebotaryov N. T., Yudin A. A., Konkin P. I.

Influence of prolonged use of fertilizers in a fodder crop rotation on fertility and efficiency of cespitose and podsolic mail in the conditions of euro northeast



Mikolaychik I. N., Morozova L. A., Abileva G. U., Iltyakov A. V., Stupina E. S.

Influence of complex biotechnological feed additives on efficiency and quality of milk of cows

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Nokhrin D. Yu., Gribovsky Yu. G., Davydova N. A.

Comparative assessment of freshwater reservoirs of Сhelyabinsk region on the content of heavy metals in fish


Pashchenko E. A., Vagapova O. A., Lorets O. G., Bykova O. A.

Efficiency of conversion of a protein and energy of a forage in meat efficiency of bull-calves of black and motley breed when using dietary supplement Eramin


Petrova O. G., Barashkin M. I., Milstein I. M.

Social and economic problems of prevention of acute respiratory diseases of cattle in modern conditions of industrial production



Voronin B. A., Kruglov V. V., Voronina Ya. V.

Administrative and legal responsibility for offenses in the sphere of land use


Voronin B. A., Serebrennikova M. S., Petrova L. N.

The systems of material motivation of personnel on the example of JSC "Smak"


Voronina Ya. V.

Organizational and economic prerequisites of emergence of domestic peasant farms, their social and economic essence


Golovina S. G.

Assessment of efficiency of activity of peasant farms of the Kurgan region


Zyryanova T. V., Zagursky A. O., Kostochko K. A.

Modern problems of tax literacy in peasant farms


Sharapova N. V.

Human capital: its influence on competitiveness of agriculture



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Federal State Budget Educational Institution of Higher Education "Ural State Agrarian University"

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