Agrarian Bulletin of the Urals

The journal has been published since 2000

ISSN 1997 - 4868 (Print); ISSN 2307-0005 (Online)


№ 4 (171) 2018


The contents and annotations

the article


 A. B. Gumerov, A. A. Belookov, O. G. Loretz, O. V. Gorelik, B. K. Asenova

The milk yield of cows when using probiotic enzyme preparations


 F. V. Eroshenko, I. G. Storchak, E. O. Shestakova

The connection between the vegetative index ndvi and the chlorophyll content in plants of winter wheat


 A. V. Kim, A. V. Ivanov

On the control of hiv dynamic mathematical model based on suboptimal game scenarios of interrupted antiretroviral therapy


 M. N. Kurbanova, N. M. Suraeva, V. P. Rachkova, A. V. Samoylov

Comparative study of indicators of toxic activity in the allium-test


 I. A. Staritsyna, A. A. Belichev

Analysis of the Sverdlovsk region’ disturbed lands use


 V. V. Stepanova

Hierarchical and sexual behavior of the wood bison (bison bison athabasсae rhoads, 1898) in captivity


 G. Yu. Upadysheva

Agrobiological estimation of variety-rootstock combinations of the apricot in the central region of Russia



 M. I. Loskin, A. I. Knysh

The current state of hydraulic structures of Yakutia central regions’ agricultural water supply objects (on example of the agricultural water supply hydraulic structures of the Sakha Republic State Basin Authority «Uprmeliovodkhoz»)


 A. V. Mankov, L. A. Minukhin

Concentration of technological food solutions in evaporators with heat pump


 V. F. Popovych, Ye. A. Dunaieva

Space localization of the secondary salinity plots on previous rice man-caused systems



 B. A. Voronin, O. G. Loretz, I. A. Tuhbatov

Issues of improvement of state control (supervision) in agriculture (on the example of Sverdlovsk region)


 G. M. Duzelbayeva, O. I. Malyarenko

The role of leasing in the technological development of agribusiness complex of Kazakhstan


 V. G. Loginov, M. N. Ignatyeva, A. A. Litvinova, M. S. Kubarev

State regulation of forest management: methodological aspects



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